The Hilarious World of Matt Spearman

Fun Facts About Matt

  • Matt once tried to tune a piano with a fork. It didn't end well.
  • He believes he's the most underrated drummer in his shower.
  • Matt's idea of customizing virtual instruments is adding googly eyes to his computer screen.
  • He's been known to avoid playing the triangle because it's "too pointy".
Matt Spearman's Funny Face

Matt's Greatest Hits

  1. "The Ballad of the Broken Drumstick"
  2. "Ode to My Pet Rock Band"
  3. "I Left My Heart in the Recording Studio (And My Keys, Too)"
  4. "The Day I Mistook a Tuba for a Vending Machine"

Matt's Words of Wisdom

"Everything is Figureoutable" - Matt Spearman